Karin Johnson ended her long battle with cancer on June 15, 2017. A memorial service was held on June 21 at 5:30PM at the LDS Church at 505 Airport Rd. in Hastings with an open reception following from 6:30-8:30PM. In lieu of flowers, a memorial contribution can be made to the Karin Johnson Scholarship fund c/o HEEF at Hastings Area Schools. Please continue to keep the Johnson family in your thoughts and prayers.Before Karin passed, she wrote instructions for her memorial service/funeral requesting LACS sing An Old English Prayer at her service.
To the choir Karin wrote:
#1 -If you are reading this, then it means that my unfortunate yet inevitable exit has occurred. I am writing these words just after our wonderful Disney Follies performances, and what great memories we will have from this event. This group (LACS) has been a blessing to my life and has given me friendships, goals, distraction, and much needed music therapy. I appreciate and thank every one of you for the time we spent together making beautiful music. It has been an honor to work with all of you. I ask that to honor my memory, you remain committed to singing despite all of the distractions of the world, and continue to build our choral program so that it remains awesome forever and has the chance to touch other lives.
#2 – What a fabulous experience I’ve had singing with the Lakewood Area Choral Society! I am grateful to all of you who kindly welcomed me into the group when I first joined. I have enjoyed singing with all of you as a large group, with the Sassy Chicks, and all of our other singing opportunities. Thanks to all who gave me extra needed love, prayers, and support so that I would continue to participate, and for helping me keep things as normal as possible so that I could feel better and be able to get lost in the music and forget about my own challenges. I believed this not only enriched my life but extended it (beyond what doctors projected).
Til we meet again!
At the 13th annual Follies “All That Jazz” (August 19, 2017) we honored Karin for her enthusiastic participation in the follies shows over the past several years. Several members of the Johnson family attended the matinee show, dedicated to her memory.
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